Parent info

Centre programme guidelines
Here is some information on aspects of the programme that we run. We look forward to working together with you and sharing this learning journey with you and your child and hope you enjoy your time with us.
Personal Belongings
Anything and everything your child brings to Kindergarten must be named i.e. clothing, lunch boxes, drink bottles, hat etc. Clothing should be practical and appropriate for running, climbing, engaging in messy play and for the weather. Please bring at least one spare set of clothing and sufficient nappies where applicable. If your child has a special comforter i.e. blanket, soft toy please let a staff member know.
We discourage children bringing any toys to kindergarten as staff cannot be responsible for any loss or damage sustained. They may however bring a favourite book or news item to share at mat time.
Sessional children need to bring either morning or afternoon tea and a drink (preferably water) in named containers. Day-care children need to bring enough food and drink for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. We have a healthy lunch box policy and actively discuss good food choices with the children and healthy eating. Please talk with staff about appropriate foods for your child’s lunchbox. We ask that lollies be left at home and not to bring eggs or peanuts or egg or peanut based foods as some children may have severe allergies.
Schoolroom Activities and Records
In addition to the normal preschool programme we work individually with each child covering basic skills such as, colour/shape/name recognition and more. This is targeted at each child’s individual development. All senior children also take part in school room activities. This involves looking at phonics and early literacy/numeracy skills, in a small group learning environment. Records of all these learning activities are kept in a dedicated scrap book for your child and is available for you to review at any time.
Each child has a portfolio which is a collection of observations, photos, milestones and artwork; a celebration of your child’s learning journey throughout their time at our kindergarten. Please take time with your child to enjoy looking at these portfolios and feel free to add anything you have observed or give feedback.
Creative Work
Children are very proud of their work. Your recognition of their achievements will be appreciated by your child. Therefore please ensure you check drying areas and the art box before you leave the kindergarten for any work that belongs to your child.
It is a requirement and essential that you notify the kindergarten of any absences. Failure to do so resulting in continuous absences may result in your child being removed from the kindergarten roll.
Public Holidays
We are closed for Public Holidays, however normal fees apply.
In addition to the two weeks the centre is closed over the Christmas/New Year period, parents are entitled to take one consecutive week’s holiday free providing two weeks’ written notice is given. Other holidays may be taken but normal fees will apply.
Personal Information
Please make sure you keep staff up to date with any changes in your circumstances, such as change of address, phone number, custody issues, and so on. This information is vital to us, especially in the case of an emergency when we may need to contact you urgently. Personal information other than that required by the Ministry of Education is not shared with any other party.