
Ngā Pou ō Kumeu Village Kindergarten
Our Philosophy is built on the four pou (pillars) that support our whare. This ties the connections between teachers, whānau and tamariki into the desired outcomes for all based on our aims, actions and evidence of learning.
Whanaungatanga – Relationships
A value that reinforces the commitment people have to each other
- We are committed to each other and our whānau and wish to create an inclusive environment that empowers everyone to a higher level of participation.
- Our relationships will provide a strong, harmonious partnership to sustain a collaborative learning environment.
- Resulting in satisfied, teachers, children and whānau, and meeting the aspirations of all.
Manaakitanga – Learning and leading together
A belief system that is focused on learning and well being
- Ongoing growth of teachers ensures success for all learners resulting in āko (growing others).
- To use our collective, professional knowledge, passion, and sense of pono (self-belief) and awhinatanga (guiding and supporting) to be a motivated and facilitative team.
- Learning and leading together to achieve positive outcomes resulting in confident and resilient teachers and motivated and engaged children.
Kaitiakitanga – Our environment
A pathway to achieve guardianship and protection of our environment
- Harmonious environment focusing on sustainability and respect for all life and resources.
- Promote informed decision making, teaching and modelling values, attitudes and behaviour with respect to our environments.
- Use of natural, renewable resources, recycling and decreasing waste. Children will also develop a purposeful connection within our active garden.
Te Whāriki – Our curriculum
A holistic framework for fostering children’s learning and development
- Guidelines we aspire to, to build and provide for children’s learning and development.
- Observe children’s interests, strengths, needs and opportunities in order to plan and offer meaningful learning experiences.
- Evident through ongoing evaluation, documentation and self-review of children’s engagement with learning.