
Our routines
Daily Routine
Approximate routine times:
8.00am Children arrive – child initiated activities
10.00am Mat time – games, songs, news and stories
10.30am Morning tea – toileting, wash hands and morning tea
10.45am Child initiated activities
11.40am Mat time – games, songs and stories
12.00am Supervised lunchtime with conversations and reading
12.30pm Child initiated activities
2.00pm Mat time – games, songs, news and stories
2.30pm Afternoon tea – toileting, wash hands and afternoon tea
2.45pm Child initiated activities
3.55pm Mat time – games, songs and stories
4.30pm Close of day
Please ensure you are on time for both drop off and pick up. We suggest you arrive 10 minutes before the end of session to give you enough time to chat and gather belongings etc.
On Arrival / Departure at Kindergarten
Signing In and Out:
Please sign in first thing on arrival and last thing on departure. Using the maximum of your booked hours enables us to receive the funding which we require to maintain our ratio of qualified teachers. Up to 10 minutes each side of booked hours is allowed by Ministry of Education without affecting funding.
Please ensure that the entry/exit gate is closed behind you. Never let any child out of the gate unless you are TOTALLY SURE they are accompanied by their parent/caregiver.
Settling Children:
As each child has their own unique way of settling into a new environment we aim to work with you to settle your child in a way that is comfortable to both you and your child. Visiting with your child before they start is helpful.
Collection of Children:
If there are any changes at all in people collecting your child please let us know. Staff will only allow your child to go home with the people specified on the enrolment form.
Two weeks’ notice is required when withdrawing your child/children from the Kindergarten.